Upgrade Your Industrial Space with Commercial LED Lighting Suppliers

Due to the unique characteristics of LED lights, they are becoming popular for commercial and industrial applications. Despite its higher cost than conventional light sources, LEDs are more durable, reliable, and do not need any maintenance.

With properly designed fixtures, LEDs can operate well in all temperature environments, and are much more energy efficient than the conventional light sources. LED lighting is a cost-effective replacement for fluorescents, HIDs, and other industrial lighting. While initial purchase costs for LED lights are a little higher than fluorescents, the price difference is just a one-time issue. Moreover, they are energy-efficient, meaning industries that use LED lighting will have a lesser electricity bill.

The energy savings you could realize as a result of switching to Industrial LED lighting in your facility should make a retrofit top priority. By switching to LED high bay lighting you are immediately reducing your energy consumption by 40%-60%.


Industrial LED lighting

Industrial LED lighting can improve assembly accuracy and potentially speed up assembly operations. This is because LED lighting has a sophisticated lensing system, which means that the light is directed exactly where it needs to be and not wasted pointing at the ceiling or spreading too thinly across your surfaces.

An upgrade to LED lighting can improve overall vision and alertness as well as reduce shadowing and improve color recognition during the assembly process, leading to increased efficiencies and improved manufacturing productivity.

Upgrading your lighting with Commercial Lighting Suppliers also increases the safety of your facility. If an employee cannot clearly see a hazard, accidents can happen. Collisions in the workplace can be prevented if proper factory lighting is in place to illuminate oncoming pedestrian or material handling equipment.

In addition to general facility lighting, it’s also worth considering an upgrade to specific workstation lighting, for both safety and productivity reasons. Work station lighting can reduce machine/employee related accidents by making hazards more apparent.

Industrial LED lighting is proven to be more energy-efficient and longer lasting than traditional florescent, high pressure sodium, or metal halide lighting. As a result, most manufacturing facilities are evaluating LED lighting upgrades to reduce energy costs and lower maintenance costs. Upgrade your industrial space with the superior Industrial LED lighting.


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